Subject: restrict value range passed to isprint function According to C standards isprint argument shall be representable as an unsigned char or be equal to EOF, otherwise the behaviour is undefined. Passing arbitrary ints leads to segfault in nm program from elfutils. Restrict isprint argument range to values representable by unsigned char. Signed-off-by: Max Filippov <> --- Index: b/argp.h =================================================================== --- a/argp.h +++ b/argp.h @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> +#include <limits.h> #define __need_error_t #include <errno.h> @@ -577,7 +578,7 @@ else { int __key = __opt->key; - return __key > 0 && isprint (__key); + return __key > 0 && __key <= UCHAR_MAX && isprint (__key); } } Index: b/argp-parse.c =================================================================== --- a/argp-parse.c +++ b/argp-parse.c @@ -1292,7 +1292,7 @@ int __key = __opt->key; /* FIXME: whether or not a particular key implies a short option * ought not to be locale dependent. */ - return __key > 0 && isprint (__key); + return __key > 0 && __key <= UCHAR_MAX && isprint (__key); } }