// Refer to the entire list of global config settings here:
// https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/blob/master/lib/settings/defaults.js#L16
// More info on test globals:
//   https://nightwatchjs.org/gettingstarted/configuration/#test-globals

module.exports = {
  // this controls whether to abort the test execution when an assertion failed and skip the rest
  // it's being used in waitFor commands and expect assertions
  abortOnAssertionFailure: true,

  // this will overwrite the default polling interval (currently 500ms) for waitFor commands
  // and expect assertions that use retry
  waitForConditionPollInterval: 500,

  // default timeout value in milliseconds for waitFor commands and implicit waitFor value for
  // expect assertions
  waitForConditionTimeout: 5000,

  'default': {
    The globals defined here are available everywhere in any test env

    myGlobal: function() {
      return 'I\'m a method';

  'firefox': {
    The globals defined here are available only when the chrome testing env is being used
       i.e. when running with --env firefox
     * myGlobal: function() {
     *   return 'Firefox specific global';
     * }

  // Global hooks
  // - simple functions which are executed as part of the test run
  // - take a callback argument which can be called when an async
  //    async operation is finished
   * executed before the test run has started, so before a session is created
  before(cb) {
    //console.log('global before')

   * executed before every test suite has started
  beforeEach(browser, cb) {
    //console.log('global beforeEach')

   * executed after every test suite has ended
  afterEach(browser, cb) {
    browser.perform(function() {
      //console.log('global afterEach')

   * executed after the test run has finished
  after(cb) {
    //console.log('global after')

  // Global reporter
  //  - define your own custom reporter
  reporter(results, cb) {